Happy Indie Pride Day to all of the self-published authors out there! I wanted to talk a bit about why it is that I write books. I don’t know if I can give a complete and profound answer, but here’s my attempt.
When I was young, I fell in love with stories. That’s the main reason that I became a writer, the love of stories. I enjoy movies, television shows, music, and books, but the last one became especially special to me. There’s just something that sets books apart from other forms of entertainment. Perhaps it is the uniqueness and depth of the stories that you can find in books. A movie or TV show can’t show you what a character is thinking at all times, and you can spend so much more time in the world and with the characters.
I don’t remember when I made little books by stapling together sheets of paper, but that would have been me expressing my love for stories in the easiest way that I could. In school, I found that I liked writing assignments, especially creative ones, and was quite good at them. I think that was the biggest factor that gave me the confidence to write books. That and the success I had writing fanfiction.
Now, I still had a whole lot to learn (still have more to learn), but I had found a passion nonetheless. A love of writing stories became the outlet for my creative energy, leading to full-blown books. I emulated what I was reading and let my imagination do the rest. I could have easily gone into the film industry or done something with art or music, but I chose books.
And I’m perfectly content with my choice.