I really don’t remember a lot of the writing that I was coming up with years ago. You will see “Lay of Toranon.” That was inspired by Tolkien’s lays. And I really thought I could write a song. Before you ask, I no longer have it, and I don’t remember it. And I have no idea what I was planning to do with flying horses.
January 5, 2008
I can’t believe how much I have gotten done on The Stone of Light. Besides getting half of the book done (1), I’ve also written the Lay of Toranon and the Rebellion song, which is Landaro’s song: “Allies Rebel.” Now that school is going to start though, I will probably not get that much done until summer. I hope I can finish Books 1 and 2 by the end of summer, though. I had this idea about something called “Legend of the Flying Horses.” Maybe I can incorporate it into this story as kind of a fairy tale. That would be really good, especially since I cut them out of the story already. I don’t know when I will get to work on the story again, but I hope then I can get a lot done.
Part 10 Coming Soon!