This entry was basically just providing little updates and containing more stepping on toes of copyrighted works. I had been able to get a lot of work done because it was Christmas break. During the school year, work on my personal writing was spotty at best. Also, I accidentally put the year of the entry as 2008. Do you ever do that, forget to use the new year number for a few weeks at the start of the year?
January 1, 2008
I am happy to report that the story is picking up speed. I have managed to write 12 chapters and have gone back through an editing process to get more detail. Aria’s aunt and uncle are Cassandra (Cassie) and Borland (originally Borlad). What I really need to do is go back and work heavily on the history and cultures of this world. Doing that would help me considerably with creating the armor and weapons of the allies and the enemy. I have decided to take out the flying horses because I was having trouble finding a part for them. I plan to finish writing the book, edit for grammar and whatnot and then just make sure everything looks good before beginning the second book. I expect I won’t name Book 2 until I’ve written it. I have ideas but I still need to figure out how they would work. I’ll deal with that when I come to it. Also, Orlando’s master is Bard the craftsman. I know it’s from Lord of the Rings. I’ll check back when I have gotten more done.