You can see more where I was getting ideas (or just stealing) names for the old stories. Orlando came from Orlando Bloom from Pirates of the Caribbean. Vigo was from Viggo Mortenson from Lord of the Rings. Luah is a dog character from The Incredible Journey. I’m pretty sure Esgaldune and Drangrist were probably taken in part or whole from other fantasy series. Like I’ve said before, when I was high school, I wasn’t aware of or all that worried about copyright laws. I was having fun creating these early (somewhat fanfiction) worlds for myself, being able to practice writing fantasy stories and dreaming of being a published author. When I come up with names now, I make sure they are as unique as possible, or at least not stolen straight out of another story.
November 23, 2008
“The Rebellion Begins” is nearly rolling now. I was stuck for soo long on chapter 2. I knew how it started, but I could not get it into words. Now I am on chapter 12, doing little 2 or 3 sentence chapter summaries. Now it will still be a lot of work to get the detail in but at least I’m more aware of where the story is heading. Included with the summaries are the setting, chapter name (for most of them), time of day and cast list. The cast is also something I’m excited about. The main characters will be: Aria (holder of the Stone), Orlando (the boyfriend), Vigo (the King’s Brother), Luah (from Algasnic), Asa (from Algasnic), Tarion (from Esgaldune), and Blossom (from Esgaldune). I also think the phantom will stay the phantom, and I still have to name Aria’s aunt and uncle. Also, Algasnic is one of the places of the allies (in the hills), Esgaldune is the City of Stone, Drangrist is the dwarf kingdom, and Eckrist is where the phoenix eyries are. I have decided that book 1 will end with Vigo’s death and the companions moving on.